
Journey Jacket

Team: Alisa Avigan, Jiaqi Li, and Julia Rickles

Four week project (Fall 2013): We were challenged to design an object, interface, system or service that used body data. However, body data devices today are limited to "READING" what you just did and then "REPORT" on those actions in some type of quantified analysis.

Solution: The Journey Jacket is designed to  take the body data from the user and then responds by triggering a vibrating pattern to guide the users breathe. (photo credit to Julia Rickles)

journey jacket illustration-01.jpg

Process Notes

This project spanned over five weeks, which allowed time for research and to do more than just test a paper prototype. We were able to create personas, affinity diagram our research, semantic differentials, user flows, physical prototyping, and user testing. (View the Slide show for the process)

Personal Contributions

We did most of the concepts and research as a team. My research did specialize in the science and feasibility of the heart rate monitors, I contributed to the final sketches, figured out with Alisa and Jiaqi how to physically prototype to test our concept (used a $5 back massager from Target to simulate the vibrations ), and got to conduct and lead the user tests.